😡 hated😒 disliked🤷‍♂️ indifferent⭐️ liked🤩 loved

Film ⭐️ The Grand Budapest Hotel


I had a friend who loves this movie. He's not dead or anything, he just didn't want to be my friend any more. I get it; I think I'm an acquired taste like coffee or anchovies, and some people hate me, and some people are like "if you stick with it for long enough you forget how objectionable it is".

My friend was really unhappy about how his friends had abandoned him, as he abandoned me. That's a false equivalency, of course. He shouldn't be friends with me just because he's sad about losing other friends; that's just how that irony landed with me.

I never really got Wes Anderson films. I didn't hate them, I just didn't see what all the fuss was about. I have watched quite a few of his films recently and I think I get it now. These are not intricate stories, but they're told in such a dense and ridiculously detailed way that it's almost hypnotic. They're visually so beautiful that if the story was any more complex, it'd be redundant.

So anyway I think I've been doing things I know my friend loves because I miss him. I know it's not sustainable but it's helping a bit now. Friendships as an adult are fucked.
