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Film ⭐️ The Matrix Resurrections


Many things make me feel old, these days. The Matrix Resurrections made me feel old because The Matrix is no longer an essential film. I think this is how old people feel when things that used to be essential and iconic are no longer so. They say things like "I can't believe you haven't seen Heat" and "why would you listen to Justin Bieber when you could listen to Elvis?" and everyone rolls their eyes and waits for them to stop talking.

This is how The Matrix Resurrections made me feel. Old.

But also The Matrix Resurrections made me feel sad. When the people making a film spend the first quarter of it telling you they really didn't want to make it, and are only making it so some other hack doesn't come along and make it instead, that's just sad.

However, The Matrix Resurrections also made me feel kinda nostalgic. It must be kinda liberating to be able to make a film where anything is plausible. Deus Ex Machina is literally the entire point of this film, and it allowed them to do some pretty cool stuff here. I mean they essentially made the first Matrix film again, and you can tell my opinion is tainted because I know all this and I still enjoyed it. And I love the thought of all the snowflake redpillers getting butthurt that Trinity can fly and Neo can't whilst moaning about the feminist agenda and legal marriage to guns or whatever the fuck else those idiots moan about.

Still, I don't recommend you rush out and watch this. If you haven't already, you're probably not going to, but if someone puts it on, you could probably enjoy it for the effects and the thin topical commentary and laugh at the low-effort ageing they did on Jada.
