😡 hated😒 disliked🤷‍♂️ indifferent⭐️ liked🤩 loved

Film ⭐️ North by Northwest


This is the first Hitchcock film I've ever seen and I absolutely loved it. I must have loved it because the first hour is basically Cary Grant getting unbearably gaslit by every single person he meets, and it almost gave me a panic attack, and I still finished it. I'm so glad I did.

This is a proper storyteller's film. It's a bunch of crazy things happen to a guy and he says "nah fuck this" and does some pretty crazy shit to clear his name. He also wears these bright yellow boxers that I really want, and he stops to have room service press his trousers. And I'm not even mad that they constantly work how handsome Cary Grant is into the dialogue. I enjoyed it that much.

The things I didn't like about this film were:

The sex/romance/whatever the hell that was on the train. I nearly cringed my skin off; it was like watching two coat-racks who hate each other attempt foreplay.

The end. Yeah this film just stops being made and they edit the credits onto it. It's very jarring. I suspect this might be A Hitchcock Thing but I didn't like it that much.

How women were treated at the time this film was made. Yes I know it's hardly a relevant criticism of the film but I think it's important to remember that things are improving, however slowly. The only woman at the CIA basically gets eyes rolled at her for being a reasonable human who isn't happy to let Thornhill be murdered because of their fuckup. And the absolute tirade Roger unleashes on Eve for treating him exactly how he treated her is just so typical. Even now, I suppose. I'd like to think these were intentional hypocrisy but I don't think they were, and it didn't spoil the film for me.

Would definitely watch this, and more Hitchcock, again. Every time I watch a film from the 50s and 60s I say I should watch more.
