

I've done a camera swap with Dan, and I'm using the Leica M10-D this weekend. It's very weird to get used to, but there's something very satisfying about shooting without the distraction of any photo previews. It's a bit frustrating when you want to make sure you got framing right, but the Leica Fotos app is pretty decent in a pinch. I haven't used a Leica for ages, and manual focussing was so slow but it doesn't take long to get back up to speed.

We went to Worthing Food Festival today, so I thought I'd bring it and see what sort of results I could get from it. It definitely has that Leica Look - more so than my typ 240. If you under-expose a bit it's even more pronounced. I like it a lot. Some of these look like film to me, and there's very minimal processing on them. Basically just levels. With a camera that's so opinionated with colour as these are, even messing with white balance in post is quite counter-productive. If you want something with perfect colour representation, get a DSLR.

This looks so fun. I want to put some gloves on and smoosh my hands around in a big pile of noodles. He wouldn't let me, though

These colours!

There was a chilli-eating competition. This is where it'd have been nice to have the Canon. I was blindly framing with manual focus. Not a good combo. Still liked this photo of these two winners cheers-ing their final chilli.

We also had a bit of a wander around Worthing. I've never been before - it's better than I anticipated. I'd like to go and have more of a look around and see what's there. There's tonnes of restaurants.

This guy has a lovely car, and he knows it

Loved the pier. There's something very trapped-in-time about the British seaside.