Valencia 2018, Day 3


Today we walked to the beach. It was a pretty long way, in retrospect. Walked about 20km all-around. We've had surprisingly good weather, which isn't super great for my all-but-transparent skin!

The beach was good - sand beaches in the UK are a drag because it's wet and sand sticks to everything. Dry sand is great!

We stood and watched the surfers for a bit. I like surfing. That's the first time I've ever watched it for more than 10 minutes. Looks fun, I can see why people are obsessed with it.

Siesta is a bit annoying. we're always looking for lunch when everyone's asleep. I'll get used to it the day before we leave, I'm sure.

I don't love most of these photos but it was a nice day. I'm gathering some of the video from the week to edit into a single video. Not sure how that'll work but we can try can't we.

Some of the traffic lights have these people wearing dresses. There's lots of cool progressive stuff about this city - disabled access all along the beach, cycle paths and bins everywhere. I don't know what it is about the UK that we'd rather have litter everywhere than bins because, I suppose, bins are ugly. But they're not as ugly as rubbish everywhere.