Sweet Mailchimp Partner Programme Swag


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The best kind of mail is good mail that you weren't expecting. You can often get around this by preordering something that doesn't get released for ages. There's a chance you might forget you ordered it and then a present from Past You shows up and you're super happy.

Another way to do this is to spend years recommending Mailchimp to clients, do tonnes of integrations, then get invited to join their partner programme as a technical partner. This was a no-brainer for me. I've always had good experiences with Mailchimp as a company, so getting the opportunity to work more on projects with them is just fine by me.

They treat their partners really well - we went to SEO Brighton with them, and I learned a lot more there than I thought I would. This has just reminded me that I want to submit a talk on technical SEO but I'm probably too late now!

Anyway, we're going off track. They also sent me this sweet swag box with loads of cool offline stuff for the Christmas period. Very thoughtful, and very good gifts. Brightened my morning, which massively needed brightening!

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