Portrait landscapes
I love this serpentine wall. It's listed!
This disused toilet block is not listed.
And this river overflow comes out in flower when it's not being a river.
Not sure what this was going to be, but it's not going to be that any more.
Little ramble with the girls. I miss them like crazy whenever I'm away.
I watched this video and, whilst I wasn't a huge fan, he has a really nice little bit of advice about shooting landscapes - look for layers. So we went out for a walk this evening and I took the 70-200 to look for layers. Had a lot of fun, and quite pleased with the results. The charming light definitely helps!
I need a better way to display portrait images on landscape screens because I do not like this at all, and it's irritating me. This whole thing needs a redesign, really.
And some landscapes
The abbey looked nice today, with the wild flowers and apples in the foreground.
And this shiny little fellow let me get pretty close.