InCarNation 2024
Back again! No Boxsters but there was an absolutely incredible NSX that I definitely don't want 🥵
Things like this make me want to learn how to do things to cars so I can get mine show-ready. Is that a thing you can do?
There was such a good mix of new and old this year. So many lovely mk2 Golfs, ridiculous MX-5s, and old Japanese stock cars. And obviously there was someone in a Spider-Man themed Celica dressed like Spider-Man, perched on his roof. I approve.
I saw a guy driving a wonderful stock Honda Prelude through the village the other day and gave him a thumbs-up like a nerd and that was there too. Seems like a lot of car clubs have this cool mentality that it doesn't care what you've got as long as you love it. I like that.

A Supra is like my Eleanor. Except I'm not a car thief. Not a great metaphor. I want a Supra. This one would be fine.

There's always a lot of Imprezas at things like this but this one was my favourite. For such a ludicrous car this one was tastefully understated.

I admire the lengths some people go to to play music obnoxiously loudly. Especially when the music is so goddamn awful.

Never seen one of these before. Is it a Sierra pickup? I want it.


This guy is a legend. If you're somehow seeing this and this is you, I want you to know that I think you're a legend. I watched this guy make two kids' day. What a champ - the world needs more people like this.

MX-5 with a roof box. MX-5 owners are just built different.