Friday Thursday

yesterday at 22:10

Mixed bag today. I ordered a replacement fan for my NUC today because the old one sounded like an angle grinder, and it's now disconcertingly quiet. I had to put my hand at the exhaust to check it was even doing something. Weird how much of a relief it is fixing things like that.

I ordered moustache wax and a comb. I've been growing it out for months and noticed this morning that it's quite pliable so time to try again. This never lasts long, and I always lose the little comb. Stupid little combs.

Friday came for a nice fuss on the bed earlier. She hates people normally; we have that in common. I've been carrying my camera from room to room for this silly project so I had it on me and she did some nice poses. I love the one with her tongue out so much. Such defiance.

I made a page for these daily pictures. It's best on huge screens. I am not a CSS guy.


Not an image of a cat
