ffffound invites - antisocial heaven, antisocial hell


Social sites are brilliant. There are literally hundreds of billions of people on the internet, sharing useless, irrelevant information all day when they should be working and paying their taxes. You can really profit from this information by distracting yourself from the harsh, depressing inevitability of life, spending all of your cash on things you don't really need, or convincing this electronic community that you're actually cool, even though you're actually not. Don't get me wrong, I love the social web - I use delicious, twitter, youtube and facebook and I really benefit from them. I'm in the exact age group and hobby-set that most of this shared information applies to, yet I'm still not happy. I'm not happy because I'm not cool enough for a ffffound.com invite.

I've Googled for ffffound.com invites and I'm not alone. There are literally some other people who want these invites, but are in the same group of uncool people who won't get an invite to this site, and are forced to passively view the stream of great images collated by the individuals in the know.

This all got me to thinking, is it a good thing that I'm not allowed in this community? What do I have to bring to the table? The popularity of my blog is proof positive that my images aren't universally appealing enough to garner popularity on their own, so who wants to look at images that I like? Do I have time to positively contribute to this site? "Yes", "Nothing", "No-one" and "No". My favourite thing about ffffound is the fact that idiots aren't allowed (and if they do get in, they low enough in numbers to not gain power in moronic numbers (see: Youtube or any blog with open comments)). This is further confirmed by the fact that weheartit is nearly an unbearable stream of pretentious rubbish, arty muff-shots (a middle-waste-ground between art and porn that does nothing for no-one, and should be stopped) and images from ffffound that I already saw on the ffffound feed!

I've been getting the feed from ffffound for a few days now, and there are around 50-100 images a day that are top quality, and I've come to the conclusion that it's because they don't let people like me in. I've nothing to share, except my view on shared images (which no-one cares about anyway) so it's right I shouldn't be allowed to join. If people like me were allowed to join, it'd just be another Youtube, and who wants that?! Not me, that's who.

ffffound - do us all a favour - keep it exclusive, don't let idiots in!