Here's the thing about ads
I'm mad at Wired. I'm also mad at ads, but not because I inherently hate advertising - because I hate all the underhanded, sneaky snooping that ads do to show relevant ads to you.
SOAP represents a way of thinking that is exactly at odds with my own. The person who thought of SOA
stop your moaning (a moan about moaning)
The internet is full of cool, free stuff for you to play with. Some of it is made by cool geeks who
Why I disable comments here and why that doesn't matter.
I'm getting tired of people saying that bloggers who disable comments aren't bloggers. I may not be a hugely successful one, but I'm proud of this site and it, most definitely, is a blog.
who doesn't like beautiful things?
We did 3 whole cars, it was me, Dez and Mean Three, right? We did this first car, in big, block silver letters that said "All you see is" and then the second car it said "Crime in the city".
Why I don't adblock (but reserve the right to get pissed about ads)
Responsible use of ads.
Mobile tabs
Neven Mrgan (the original vowel-dropper) gave me a cool link-sharing idea (well, I think it's cool a
on moaning about privacy
Privacy is really important, no doubt. The boundaries between what we consider private and public ar
how companies should talk to you
This has happened a couple of times to me on twitter. I'll make a throwaway comment about a company,
twitter [change the record]
So, I decided to start using twitter again, on a heavily decreased account - basically removed every
know your tools; a story of web forms and why they always suck
If there's a contentious issue in web development (could be other development, too, but I don't know
take back your browsing experience
It occurred to me that I hate when a website opens a new tab/window when I wasn't expecting it. The
whatever happened to plain ol' chasing money?
We're all agreed that the bigger a company gets the more evil it gets, but why is this? The two high
you're not a web designer if you don't know html and css at least
Yes, you.
I was linked to a quote on twitter by someone way higher profile than me, and it appears