DSA Scientific/Lubed Sakurios/DZ60 Build
I built a keyboard. I like keyboards, OK? This is the first time I've ever soldered. It was fun. I wonder what the stats are for people whose first soldering also turns out to be their first desoldering.
Lubed 64 switches. Ended up needing 65, but the first 64 were all in one sitting. I don't remember the last time I did a task this repetitive. I usually make things to complete repetitive tasks for me. Lubing switches alone took almost three hours.
Home stretch
First switch goes on to solder and test.
First ever solder (and desolder)
4th row was a pain. DSA Scientific doesn't seem to come with any 2u caps so I had to use 2 1u caps and map them both to shift. Not ideal but you've got to be water.
Last cap goes into place after mounting in the case.
And finished.
Speakers on! That's the dog snoring in the background, not my breathing before you call an ambulance.
The only things I want to change here are the caps and ] keys. They're on a bit wonky and just want resoldering. That can be a rainy-day job.