This Monstrosity
When Apple removed the 3.5mm jack from the iPhone, I was annoyed. They'd bought Beats, and I assum
Upsetting Sounds on Instagram
I started posting photos of my vinyl collection to Instagram.
We Never Learned To Live
I'm not really one for taking pictures at shows, these days; too much missing out on life whilst t
A Grand Scene for a Color Film
Sometimes I'll walk past a situation and be scared to get my camera out, like I might get punched
Hip-hop you might like
Hip-hop has a weird rep. People either seem to love it or absolutely hate it. Maybe you will love it
Party over here
I'm not much of a guy for parties, but Charlotte encouraged me to do something for my 30th, so I h
Going to a gig tonight
Hey I'm going to a gig tonight it's going to be amazing I'm going to watch the whole thing throu
Brontide and Rolo Tomassi
Brontide are a spiritual experience. The beauty of the sounds they make is unparalleled in recordin
Pebble Records
Found this brilliant little record shop whilst day-tripping in Eastbourne. Grabbed the Still Cor
Rooms of the House
My last iPod was called Wildlife, after the La Dispute album (my phone is Vega and my iPad Altair,