yet more effort toward keeping config out of git


It seems that I spend most of my waking life concerned about keeping usernames and passwords out of

bit tumblr-y, but a quote


Non-developers often assume an application is invariably more valuable with a feature than without i

Store git activity in MySQL with PHP


Git hooks are saving me so much time and providing me with interesting solutions to problems I didn'

Managing multiple working copies with git


We have a CMS at Buffalo, which we have deployed to several servers for a few of our clients. Until

trying an un-annoying lightbox


Lightboxes are really irritating. No users I ever speak to like them, but all website owners love th

that's a big one


Transmitting file data .............................................................................

I must write out 1000 times...


Copying directories resets permissions Copying directories resets permissions Copying directories r

impress yourself


Just recently, I realised how important impressing yourself is when trying to maintain enthusiasm wi

Unit testing


This is something that's been in my peripheral vision for some time now. I've periodically been stru

git or with MacVim diff


I've seen on the Versions Google group, there's a python script for integrating Versions with MacVim

an open letter to Sony


Dear Sony, if ((int) $month === 2){ if ($year % 4 === 0) $daysinmonth = 29; else $daysinmon

steal buffalo's planner slider in mootools and css


On BuiltByBuffalo's Proposal Planner, we use a much-revered slider thingy that we've had a lot of co

a rookie mistake, a programming challenge and a fresh start


It's gone. 4 years and 30GB of photos gone because of a stupid lapse in concentration. All my origin

PHP 5.3, iconv, OSX, Symbols Missing _libiconv


I'm not sure how many people will have this problem, but I did so this will remind me. PHP 5.3 rele

Utter failure


Today reminded me of when I first started writing web applications. When I first started glancing th

260: Documentation


You try being creative when you've spent all day describing parameter data types.

I love CSS


I finally got the strength to give IE6 even less attention than I usually do, off the back of a post

Custom Ordering of WordPress posts.


I seem to be becoming the go-to guy for WordPress in my circle of friends. I don't mind—I've grown f

Twitter Stuff 0.3


happy downloading! It's been literally minutes in the making, but it's here. Now with lovely added

[Wordpress Plugin] Twitter User Tags


It seems to be almost habit-forming, my chats with Thomas at sharebrain lately. He has a habit of ha