Film ⭐️ Blade Runner 2049
It takes everything the original set up, builds on it and exceeds it in every way. I could talk about this film for hours but I won't. I absolutely love it.
Film ⭐️ Arrival
Still one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. This is only my second watch, I think. Watching it again is surreal; experiencing Louise's future memories(?) for a second time makes them feel like they're just memories. I wonder if that's intentional, or whether it's just me meeting them more than half way. My perception of the narrative was totally different on this watch and it made me appreciate how well this story is told. I genuinely don't know how to categorise this film. I think it's my favourite piece of storytelling, and that's partly because the medium is the message both in the context of the film itself, and the story. I might watch it again soon to see if I notice anything else.