

7180 D3 B4 59 B5 4 C98 8 B1 F 11 BE70 BE37 C4
C7833895 E6 AA 4979 B837 ED066 AF6 BB46
1227935 E 8 F8 A 4010 BC6 B 9 D84 F3391 E03
689 D1 C11 0 FBE 47 DE AFA5 CDBACBAE3 C38
5842 EE28 C629 42 EA A5 B7 F8 D934 C47705
1 D6222 F4 15 E5 482 E 8567 E84 AA1356 AF7
859 B25 D3 57 CE 4518 A74 B 0 DFBB2 D2 D0 B9

This week was marginally less crazy at work. Client handover went super well on one thing, and wireframes and planning going well on another.

I've got a big project coming up, which is going to be pretty high profile and is starting to make me a bit twitchy as it has a hard deadline and I hate hard deadlines. Trying to avoid the "oh that deadline is 3 months away" trap.