The Problem with S. Darko.


I was always going to watch this movie. Against my better judgement, I had to. The first was one of the most astoundingly ambiguous and engrossing movies that basically anything namesaking it is work a look-in. I read essay upon essay, I did the website treasure hunt, everything I could find. I came to my own conclusions, not about how time travelling "works", but about why Donnie was given the powers that he was given. However wrong my conclusions were, they totally made sense to me.

The original being so open to interpretation, and that you could make any interpretation work are why you can't just give some hack free reign to do whatever he wants with it!

As much as it may tempt you, seriously don't be taken in by S. Darko. It's a waste of your life that you don't have the commodity of time travel to undo.