small, substantial change


I've made a couple of changes. I'm grateful for everyone who reads this drivel, and if any change I've made pisses you off, please tell me. The changes I've made are fundamentally small, but have a pretty substantial result.

Firstly, I've removed the sidebar. It was getting huge with all the archives, tags and categories and it distracts from what I really care about and want people to read and that's recent content. Any other relevant content is found by search engines anyway (far-and-away the most-read post on here is the one about PHP and mail() on OSX, and that's 100% from search engines, so that's indicative to me that people aren't using the site to find specific things they're looking for. In honesty, why would you be?!) so removing these was a no-brainer a bit. Search box is gone, but search still works - saying that, when I'm looking for something on the site, I always Google because it gets better results that the built-in WordPress one. Links to friends are one thing that I wish could stay, but I want to start writing more about what my friends write about anyway, so irregular posts about why you should read what my friends write will hopefully improve that. No-one clicks those links anyway (according to Google Analytics).

I've forced the post body font to be sans-serif. Adam mentioned to me the other day that the font on (NSFW) is Times and that sucks, and it got me thinking that I tend to rely too heavily on my default browser font (Helvetica Neue) and I probably should force it. Seriously, though, if you hate Times; why is it your default font? The intention, anyway, is for serif headers and sans body. Should look way better for everyone now.

Finally, I've removed the little comments number circle. No need for it. Looked OK, but it was distracting and annoyed me more than it served a purpose.

If any of this stuff pisses you off, I value your opinion on the matter and will consider any request. I can't imagine anyone's here regularly enough to actually care about this, but I'd be remiss if I didn't give the option, right?

Sam Hardacre reminded me that we have one of these in the office. Cool-looking camera.