

I recently stumbled across (not upon, I can do without that thanks!) a blog that basically is me. I've never really identified with an individual so quickly in the way that I have with the author of this blog, and it's an odd feeling. <!--more--> Obsessionism is given weight by the definition "A personality trait that causes one to obsessively learn new things, usually at the risk of dropping previous obsessions". By itself, you can pretty much simmer that off to a short attention span coupled with short-term memory living up to its name but Ben, having identified this trait in himself, has set about exploring how it's made him the person he is, and how obsessionism manifests itself as other personality traits—nearly all of which I see in myself.

This discovery has been odd for me for a few reasons. Firstly, I rarely like anyone who's similar to me. I'd even go as far as to say that I purposefully distance myself from anyone who reminds me of myself, whether consciously or not (evaluating why I take instant dislikes to people invariably ends up at a short description of my own personality!).

This blog, however, intrigues me. The Introduction to Obsessionism basically describes my life until now, omitting only how easily I was distracted by others in school. It's actually eerie.

Like many blog posts, there's no real need for this one. Only a mini celebration of some important self-realisation for me, and marking this link with more importance than a delicious bookmark!