minor office changes


Needed a bit of a shuffle in the office recently. Until today, my DVDs have been stacked in piles like some sort of student, and my CDs lay in a box, unloved. Now, that's changed. CDs, Vinyl and DVDs have (mostly) been moved into boxes in the attic and regularly-accessed stuff has been put in a cabinet with games on top. I've also archived my amp in favour of AmpKit as it takes up way less space and I'm not playing a whole lot at the moment. Charlotte has also painted the fireplace bronze and hung a Xenz I bought her for Valentine's Day (because "eBay Coincidence Day" doesn't have the same ring to it).

Room feels really big now, except for the fact that it's an atrocious, overcast day so there's very little light. I'm sure it will feel big and light when the sun comes back. Come back, sun!



Pimp bronze fireplace is pimp. Or something. Goes with my Les Paul, either way.
