I've been 3D Printing!
If you're wondering why Bambu Lab chose to finally lose their minds when they did, it's because I ordered one of their printers. It's a shame, really, because the print quality is far better than I was expecting. I'm obviously not much of a connoisseur, but I'm happy to have low expectations exceeded!
I've wanted a 3D printer for ages now, but they've always seemed like a faff. I used to know a guy who got one and it seemed like such a pain. Prints failing constantly, setup woes, relatively low quality results. But he loved it, and now I see why: it's so satisfying to make even the simplest thing then have a printer spit it out for you. Even if it's not quite right and needs redoing, measuring again, or whatever. I have been really enjoying seeing things come to life on it!
One thing I wanted to make was a screen bracket for my BastardKB Dilemma. It's just been floating rather precariously for a long time and I don't trust it. So I got my caliper out and took some measurements and watched a brilliant YouTube video on how to make holes for heat-set inserts (mine are too long so it needs redoing but it does work!) and got to prototyping my bracket. It's so much fun. I also printed a blue shell because I wanted to try painting, and a D20 because I find them satisfying, and a tray case for my Aurora Sweep (that one was really annoying to get right in CAD!).
I have found CAD software very difficult. I'm using FreeCAD because I can't justify the monstrous cost of the paid ones and it's quite inscrutable. Some people are phenomenally skilled at it, though. I've found the digikey tutorials to be super helpful.
I've started a fund to save for a future printer in case I grow out of the Bambu Lab, or in case they do something so moronic that I don't want their product in my house any more, and yes I am window shopping for new hardware less than a week after it arrived. Have we met?

Of course I printed keycaps. They're too smooth though - feels like my fingers will fall off them.

My tray case design actually working at last

Primer coat on my blue shell

This came out so well. I'm too impatient for painting, but I'm happy with this. It might get another coat but I don't want to overdo it. It needs filling with something but I'm not sure what. Black Sugru would be ideal but I don't even know if you can get Sugru any more. Maybe I can steal some clay from Tabitha and just paint it.

My Dilemma screen bracket. It's lacking in finesse but I'll finish it when my new, shorter heat-set inserts arrive and then it'll be glorious.