A question of pronunciation as a means to communicate.


Words are a tool for effective communication. To my mind, communication is the relaying of one concept from an individual or group to another individual or group. If a message makes it from one party to another, understood and intact, communication has been successful. Unfortunately, in conversation, you get assholes who receive the communication, unpack it, understand it, then point out to the sender all the things that are wrong with it.

Person A: How is this pronunced? Dickhead: Don't you mean pronounced?

What has this achieved? Dickhead has made an individual or group aware of the fact that Person A mispronounced something, but he's also conveniently informed everyone that he's basically a complete waste of oxygen and should probably be avoided at all costs. I would urge you to do the same. If someone prefers the perfect execution of a message to the content of said message, they are probably not worth your time.

As a footnote, I am very pedantic when it comes to planned written communication. Misspelled signage, incorrect punctuation et al are a sign of laziness or unjustifiably high self esteem (I know I'm right, I don't need to look it up). Short, observational blog posts do not count as planned communication, so if you've spotted a mistake, I'm not a hypocrite and your observation of my hypocrisy is moot. Ha.