I'm having one of those days where everything seems pointless and I just want to quit and do nothing but sulk. Is that an option? Can I just abandon my life for a week to wallow and sulk? I feel like that should be allowed.
A truckload of flowers
I watched a few episodes of Bojack Horseman when it first aired and I just did not get it. Then Tabitha went to school and Charlotte binged it and then insisted I watch it.
I still found it a bit of a chore because it's just wave after wave of impulsive, self-destructive behaviour, but there's an arc in series 4 involving Bojack's mother and some other members of his family (trying to avoid overt spoilers) that finally tipped me over. It previously felt gratuitously heavy, but when all the foreshadowing converged it really tugged at my heart-strings.
Every time I think a character in this show is growing or making progress, they sabotage themselves and end up worse than they started off. I can't bring myself to admit how realistic that is.
Mini-hike in the rain
I love how Will Smith is using YouTube. Could watch this guy's videos all day. And why not; I been watching The Fresh Prince my whole life and learning lessons.
I'm not saying school's trying to test that we're actually reading books with Tabitha, but there's a typo in the one we were reading today.
There's less than 200 words in this damn book and they can't even be bothered to proofread?!
My best girl's in year one
Someone I've worked with for a few years sent me a beautiful email about this blog today, and I'm feeling very proud and motivated right now.
I've always treated it as less of a blog and more of a journal that I carelessly left lying around and don't care if it gets read. I don't promote it, because I don't gain anything whether someone looks at it or not, but the feeling I get when people go out of their way to talk to me about it makes me very proud.
Taking pictures and writing these things is my only artistic/creative outlet, and I keep it zero pressure for a reason. That reason is that I don't want to grow to hate it; I just want it to grow.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I hope you find something here you like, because I very much enjoyed, and enjoy making it.
Impromptu Saturday Trip To That London
Given the problem humans have standardising things worldwide, I don't think I'll ever fully buy the fact that all countries decided to carve the day up into 24 lots of 60 lots of 60.
Improving Software