2 G5 A6287

View from the train

2 G5 A6303

Vegan poutine at Bread Meets Bread

2 G5 A6305

My burger at Bread Meets Bread

2 G5 A6307

Glasgow has a lot of good doors. You're about to see quite a few of them.

2 G5 A6308
2 G5 A6309
2 G5 A6313
2 G5 A6316

The back of the Barclays building has this weird staircase and we all liked it very much.

2 G5 A6319

Charlotte sneaking a picture of Tabitha

2 G5 A6323

Nice tiles

2 G5 A6326

Most of the traffic lights have been defaced. I liked this one.

2 G5 A6328
2 G5 A6330
2 G5 A6333
2 G5 A6335

We liked these brown-faced gulls

2 G5 A6339

I thought it looked like this guy was writing a story with this pigeon as his muse

2 G5 A6343
2 G5 A6345
2 G5 A6348

Hotel Chocolat sundaes are my favourite

2 G5 A6360
2 G5 A6366

I like these blue glass tiles

2 G5 A6376

I like these bronze maps a lot. We saw a few of them

2 G5 A6391

Cone-head statue. I thought this had been done for the Banksy exhibition but apparently it's been going on for ages. If someone removes it, it's almost immediately replaced.

2 G5 A6393

Seamless repair job on these lovely railings.

2 G5 A6472

You weren't allowed to take photos inside the Banksy exhibition, but there were people taking Polaroids. You were only supposed to get one, but Charlotte and Tabitha are rebellious by nature.

2 G5 A6397

You were allowed to write on the walls at the end

2 G5 A6408

And the fire extinguisher

2 G5 A6404

But not the fire alarm

2 G5 A6412
2 G5 A6420
2 G5 A6423
2 G5 A6434
2 G5 A6436
2 G5 A6448
2 G5 A6450
2 G5 A6459
2 G5 A6463

Churros and Gelato at Loop and Scoop

2 G5 A6464

Charlotte attacking said Churros. My moustache ended up such a mess.

2 G5 A6484
2 G5 A6490

This whole path belonged to this Beagle. I like his energy

2 G5 A6637

Botanic Gardens

2 G5 A6498

Carnivorous plants inside the Botanic Gardens

2 G5 A6517
2 G5 A6521

Lots of me

2 G5 A6525
2 G5 A6535
2 G5 A6539

Trippy ceiling. I nearly fell over taking this.

2 G5 A6547
2 G5 A6557
2 G5 A6561
2 G5 A6571
2 G5 A6606
2 G5 A6610

A+ stairs

2 G5 A6634

I love these plants looking like they're about to burst through the glass

2 G5 A6636
2 G5 A6646
2 G5 A6644
2 G5 A6650

When in Rome. And actually I didn't realise that Irn Bru is really popular here. It felt like a stereotype, but no it really is everywhere.

2 G5 A6651


2 G5 A6654

Chilli Paneer at Rishi's Indian Aroma

2 G5 A6656

I have never had bhajis like this. It was a cross-section of onion deep fried. I didn't love it like this.

2 G5 A6662

Charlotte and Tabitha had Paneer Dosa. The dosa was very good.

2 G5 A6663

I think this boat's had it

2 G5 A6671

Love a good exposed tree root

2 G5 A6679
2 G5 A6683

This restoration is going to take forever

2 G5 A6692
2 G5 A6696

Tabitha on the Loch Lomond cruise

2 G5 A6707
2 G5 A6730
2 G5 A6731
2 G5 A6734
2 G5 A6737
2 G5 A6740
2 G5 A6746
2 G5 A6750
2 G5 A6756
2 G5 A6759
2 G5 A6764
2 G5 A6768
2 G5 A6772
2 G5 A6780

Ya windswept boy

2 G5 A6781
2 G5 A6786
2 G5 A6791
2 G5 A6795

Used to have these in my lunchbox loads as a kid

2 G5 A6799

You would not believe the amount of rubbish I cloned out of this picture. Unless you're skilled with the clone stamp; then you'll believe it because I am rubbish at it!

2 G5 A6807

Necropolis. I love a good necropolis and this one's a doozy

2 G5 A6810

And the award for Best Tomb

2 G5 A6814

And the Foresight Award for Lettering Patina

2 G5 A6815
2 G5 A6818

Egyptian Falafel Pitta at Time Out Café

2 G5 A6819
2 G5 A6821
2 G5 A6822

Through the Tall Ship porthole

2 G5 A6823

The Riverside Museum

2 G5 A6824

Graeme Obree's Superman bikes. I didn't know these were here - this is how you get me to go to a museum.

2 G5 A6828

Tabitha pretending to play hopscotch

2 G5 A6829
2 G5 A6838


2 G5 A6839
2 G5 A6841

Our food. This was a good-looking table of food.

2 G5 A6840

My burger at BRGR

2 G5 A6842

Tabitha's "chicken" gyro burger at BRGR

2 G5 A6843

Charlotte's Poutine at BRGR

2 G5 A6844
2 G5 A6853

I love flamingos

2 G5 A6857
2 G5 A6870
2 G5 A6930
2 G5 A6939
2 G5 A7045

Literally the first time I've ever seen a sloth move

2 G5 A7114
2 G5 A7161
2 G5 A7174

I love that there's grass growing on the tram lines

2 G5 A7181
2 G5 A7184

Highland cow cupcake. Didn't have one, but it is cute.

2 G5 A7190

Big hill thing in Edinburgh. A hill like this needs a better building at the top though.

2 G5 A7199


2 G5 A7201
2 G5 A7205

This cool ship at Leith

2 G5 A7206

Pano of another cool ship. You should be able to horizontally scroll it

2 G5 A7219
2 G5 A7220
2 G5 A7222
2 G5 A7224
2 G5 A7225
2 G5 A7227
2 G5 A7229

Dough balls at Pizza Geeks

2 G5 A7230

My pizza at Pizza Geeks

2 G5 A7233

Greyfriar's Bobby

If you're interested in some words, you can find them elsewhere.