On doing something amazing, today.
I don't give blood nearly as often as I should. Up until (and sporadically including) recently, I've
083 220808 - New offices
So, my boss is quite upset that I don't mention the awesome digital design/development agency, do1
039 090708 - The midnight oil; all gone
Today, I want to talk about work. I like my job. I love to learn new things and be met with new ch
033 030708 - Street Level
Nothing particularly special about this, but I love the reflections in the glass so in it goes!
023 230608 - Geometry
I like triangles.
I also like my bike. I say "like", I mean "liked". Someone took my poor BMX off
Conch stretching, not for the faint-hearted
One of the reservations I originally had about getting pierced (and the subsequent inclination to st
Working days
I'm all for reusable code. Whenever I'm coding, I'm constantly wondering if there's a way that I can