Just a nice sunset
I'm not normally bothered by photographing a sunset. In truth they never look as good in pictures as they do in real life.
A photo that everyone took
I was waiting outside Shelter Hall for everyone to arrive at our work Christmas party, and there was a pretty nice sunset. Around 90% of people who walked past took a picture like this.
Sunset Overload
Been having some really good sunsets the last couple of weeks. I love a good sunset, even if t
200 171208: The bus stop
Waiting at bus stops is not fun, especially if you're not actually waiting for a bus!
172 191108 - Grass, man
My other cute girl. Charlotte won't let me take a picture of her, so she doesn't count!
Today, I
004 040608 - As the Sun Sets
Charlotte saved the day today. Normally if I went out and didn't get a single thing I wouldn't rea