last chance...


Let me say that our mission here at this time is about to come to a close in the next few days. We c

#musicmonday 21-12


A touch late, but took this late Monday. Too much ETID and MATSOD in preparation for Borderlines.

Every Time I Die and Maylene and the Sons of Disaster


Fucking raucous show. Photos are more of a "look how mental this was" than a "look how well I random

#musicmonday 14-12


Considering the time of year, there's been a lot of girly, scream-free music on the turntables thi

359: Maybeshewill, ASIWYFA and Waking Aida


I will almost definitely write more words here later. Not feeling it right now. Not to put too fin

354: tightrope violin


The busking in Brighton was awesome yesterday. Such a mix of instruments and genres, but my favour

348: TBR@Joiners


We love The Boxer Rebellion in this house. They don't play the around here often enough - we're used



I often find myself tweeting song lyrics or lines from movies or, well, lines from anything really.

320: t3


Finally got my new T3s today. They are utterly ridiculous. I need to give them more of a test, but



This was played at our wedding. Whenever it comes on, I can't help smiling. We watch the season pul

As I went down in the river to pray...


...studying about that good ol' way And who shall wear the starry crown? Good Lord show me the way

Vote for Pedro


So it isn't Pedro, but the title doesn't work if I use his real name and it's close enough! My bu

A Classical Collection: Russell Dunn


There's such a huge breadth of what I (and many others) call classical music, that I find it nause

A big lump of awesome.


So, maybe I'll start posting things that I think are awesome. That way, people might get an insigh

203 201208: Bluegrass


This band is so cool. They play in Southampton every now and again and we always stay and watch. T

192 091208 - Tattoo


Today, we got tattooed. It was pretty cool. Charlotte has an incredibly low threshold for pain and

159 061008 - Charlotte's ring


Charlotte's ring arrived today. Guess what, it's too big! Brilliant! Hopefully we can get them res

060 300708 - Guitar


I have been playing so much guitar recently. I really miss playing all the time. I also might be j

043 130708 - Bury Tomorrow


Bury Tomorrow are one of those bands, you know the type; awesome. When we showed up, we saw that J