077 160808 - Bananas
Remember what I said about creativity? This is a product of a frightening lack of ability to keep
076 150808 - Creativity
Sometimes it's so difficult to find the time/energy to actually take a photo for the day. I'm spen
067 060808 - Ribbon
Some random silly abstract of a ribbon. I need some more lights for stuff like this.
062 010808 - Dreaded maintenance
So I spent all tonight messing about with my hair and didn't get chance to get out. Not been out f
061 310708 - Rabbit food
We bought this crazy stuff for the bunnies, I can't remember what it's called but they seem to qui
055 250708 - Moth
This little guy was sat on the ceiling above my desk at work. I came in and found him dead on my d
031 010708 - A shadow of one's former self
God, today. Headaches, javascript, MySQL, eBay, vets and heat have all gotten in the way of produc
027 270608 - The Match
Continuing my unintended closeups in the kitchen series, some matches.
025 250608 - Broccoli
I noticed that broccoli has quite a cool texture up close. Hopefully this gets that across.
013 130608 - The Washing-up
Seems like I spent all evening doing the washing-up this evening. At least I got pizza and ice-cre
008 080608 - Chive
Another busy day today, so a relatively unimaginative abstract of a chive flower. I think what I n
003 030608 - Droplet
This really sums up today's weather. It rained, then some more, then some more so we stayed in and