211: Gecko at Marwell Zoo


When we stayed at the De Vere Grande, we got free tickets to Marwell Zoo. To test my lovely new le

176 231108 - Like cats and rabbits


Inspired by Planet Earth, the animals playing about made me decide to get my camera out and follow

141 191008 - Animal wars


When they get going, they playfight like crazy. This was just after midnight whilst I was trying t

138 161008 - Cats who are slappers


Found a Facebook group called "Cats who are slappers" - Amelie is more of a high class hooker with

007 070608 - Too busy


When I come home, I'm always mad-busy. This time has been no different. I've had car stuff to do,

005 050608 - For Courses


Today, the picturesque village of Lyndhurst taught me that just because you're picturesque, doesn'