365: done.
So, there appears to be no 364. I actually missed 163, but found something I could use for that da
363: Winchester Cathedral
Being slightly preoccupied with the fact that there was a smudge on my sensor, I didn't get anythi
362: Shirley Towers
Another fine example of Southampton concrete - this time in pebble dash.
361: Magnum
Not just a cool nickname and an 80s detective. Also, a delicious ice-cream. Oh yes.
360: blackdrop
I managed to position the flash so it cast a shadow through this droplet. No idea how, probably co
359: Maybeshewill, ASIWYFA and Waking Aida
I will almost definitely write more words here later. Not feeling it right now. Not to put too fin
358: caps
I'm aware that this is a failure of a photo, but it's not about the composition; it's about the ty
356: not Arundel Castle
It seems that Arundel Castle isn't the most interesting thing about Arundel Castle. The ducks and
355: most expensive clothing I own
I have no idea what posessed me, but these are the most monumentally awesome jeans in the whole wo
354: tightrope violin
The busking in Brighton was awesome yesterday. Such a mix of instruments and genres, but my favour
353: hoodie-time!
My awesome brother gave me a (very) early birthday present today - one of the amazing Mark Ecko St
352: more flies
Well, actually a daddy-long-legs. She's so hilarious with things at the window.
350: so annoying
I hate when she sits on the Airport Extreme, but I guess a cat's got to have a warm ass.
349: cupcakes
Since observing the new internet fascination with novelty cupcakes, we tried to find some. On shor
348: TBR@Joiners
We love The Boxer Rebellion in this house. They don't play the around here often enough - we're used
347: cat-grass
I don't know why it's called cat grass - Eva's the only one who eats it.
Awful, awful day today.