

More Letlive. Get that album, it's ridiculously good.

If you like Zelda and dubstep, buy Ephyxia's Zelda Step. If you like Zelda and Post Rock, get Cory Johnson's The Legend of Zelda post rock tribute (legit mediafire - linked to from his bandcamp) thing.

Revisited some more bands this week. I'm always pleasantly reminded of how amazing Rosetta are. For sludge/doom/post metal/whatever you want to call it, they're incredibly varied and much less violent/nightmarish than bands like Cult of Luna and even ISIS to some extent.

I suppose I should finally give a shout to Yachts who released a demo last week. It's £2.50 and it's for you if you like shouty noise, like Protest the Hero jamming with La Dispute. Plus it costs less than a coffee and will help them make more music so you should definitely buy it. Or else.