350: so annoying
I hate when she sits on the Airport Extreme, but I guess a cat's got to have a warm ass.
349: cupcakes
Since observing the new internet fascination with novelty cupcakes, we tried to find some. On shor
348: TBR@Joiners
We love The Boxer Rebellion in this house. They don't play the around here often enough - we're used
347: cat-grass
I don't know why it's called cat grass - Eva's the only one who eats it.
Awful, awful day today.
344: headache and sleep
I technically missed out today. This was 2am but I've not been well so I made an acception!
340: comfort
I'm sure there's a fairly simple mathematical equation that could describe my susceptibility to a
On protecting my twitter updates
The observant will note that my twitter updates are now protected. I don't like the idea of people I
339: our cat, fly hunter
Flies love to torment Amelie by sitting on the window ledge. She goes absolutely mad for them; it'
338: new things
Just because the people who taught you lessons when you were younger couldn't stick to them and ar
336: abbey
A boot sale and a narrow escape from a morris dancing display, interspersed with Fallout 3 made fo
335: circus in town
I don't like the circus, but look at that tent! I want one in my garden please.
334: burgess road campus
This is one of those areas that I've always wanted to get a few shots of, but it's pretty far to w
333: bike stands
Something about this is pretty mesmerising to me.
Southampton isn't as big as it used to seem.
332: day off blues
So, the shitty thing about having a day off (especially when you're the only developer somewhere)