212: Mmmm, chocolate


Andy bought chocolate. We are eating it. It is good.

211: Gecko at Marwell Zoo


When we stayed at the De Vere Grande, we got free tickets to Marwell Zoo. To test my lovely new le

210: Whole lotta l'oven


Every now and again, Charlotte grabs a bunch of stuff, throws it in a pyrex dish and we go to town

209: Remembrance


Considering the time of year, this is almost entirely inappropriate, but I couldn't resist the way

208: Christmas hug


I know what you're thinking. There are never any cute hug pictures of Eva. Well, she doesn't like

207: dreads, 2y2m


Pens down! Today totally zipped by. All I did was play video games, which is fine I guess. Thinkin

206: Polish Seasons Greetings


These are probably the nicest Christmas lights I've seen this year. I've never consciously seen fo

205: Cous Cous leads to death


This tomato cous cous has been determined as the cause of my 3-day, Gaviscon-proof stint of heartb

The Internet cool kids


Since joining and regularly using twitter, I've become very aware that the Internet is quite a popul

204: Prezzo


We've started going on little husband and wife dates. They're fun! I find it weird that there's a

Dropping the "there" homophones


The thing that probably annoys me most about the internet and forum-dwelling is grammar Nazism. The

Windows; life without walls


What Microsoft's marketing department seem to be missing is that a window that doesn't have a wall t

203 201208: Bluegrass


This band is so cool. They play in Southampton every now and again and we always stay and watch. T

202 191208: Friday!


I've been looking forward to this all week. I need to try and get my sleeping pattern in check thi

201 181208: Christmas


I finally gave in and trusted the cat with Christmas decorations. This is the centre-piece

200 171208: The bus stop


Waiting at bus stops is not fun, especially if you're not actually waiting for a bus!

199 161208: Sleepytime


This is how Charlotte tells me it's bed time. Coincidentally, it's also how she tells me to stop p

198 151208: Healthy Livin'


I'm desperately trying to eat healthily; maybe even lose some weight. Sitting pretty much still, i

197 141208: Hypochondriac (again)


Eva is a hypochondriac. She clearly didn't want to be away from home any longer, so she put a slig

196 131208 - Open Fire


I miss having a nice open fire at home. It was so warm last night. Going to be cold tonight!