

AE1 F1163 179 C 442 C 91 D2 47 A2777 EA14 E
143 C6 DC3 10 C0 4 ECC BDF7 7 E156 D479 E2 B
A89 D2 FC9 5953 41 BB BD06 C875 C16 CA684
EF34 E259 5 AD9 410 E A86 F 4 CE7509 BF0 A7

We get seagulls in the garden a lot, stamping to drum up worms. Sneaky little devils, but you can't argue with its efficacy.

I watched this one for a while and loved the stupid faces he was pulling as I was taking pictures.

Used the 2x teleconverter on the 70-200 for these. You definitely have to be quick with it otherwise the results are really soft, but a nice fast shutter and a smaller aperture and it's sharp enough.