Unit testing


This is something that's been in my peripheral vision for some time now. I've periodically been stru

git or Versions.app with MacVim diff


I've seen on the Versions Google group, there's a python script for integrating Versions with MacVim

an open letter to Sony


Dear Sony, if ((int) $month === 2){ if ($year % 4 === 0) $daysinmonth = 29; else $daysinmon

steal buffalo's planner slider in mootools and css


On BuiltByBuffalo's Proposal Planner, we use a much-revered slider thingy that we've had a lot of co

a rookie mistake, a programming challenge and a fresh start


It's gone. 4 years and 30GB of photos gone because of a stupid lapse in concentration. All my origin

PHP 5.3, iconv, OSX, Symbols Missing _libiconv


I'm not sure how many people will have this problem, but I did so this will remind me. PHP 5.3 rele

Utter failure


Today reminded me of when I first started writing web applications. When I first started glancing th

260: Documentation


You try being creative when you've spent all day describing parameter data types.

I love CSS


I finally got the strength to give IE6 even less attention than I usually do, off the back of a post

Custom Ordering of WordPress posts.


I seem to be becoming the go-to guy for WordPress in my circle of friends. I don't mind—I've grown f

Twitter Stuff 0.3


happy downloading! It's been literally minutes in the making, but it's here. Now with lovely added

[Wordpress Plugin] Twitter User Tags


It seems to be almost habit-forming, my chats with Thomas at sharebrain lately. He has a habit of ha

Regex-matching the contents of an HTML tag


I have a folder in my Mail.app client dedicated to code snippets that I've emailed to myself. It's u

IE6 and PNG transparency


I personally don't believe that technology and techniques that benefit both the user and the develop

Working days


I'm all for reusable code. Whenever I'm coding, I'm constantly wondering if there's a way that I can

More Python and Twitter


After spending 2 days wrestling with urllib2 and status updates, I couldn't figure out what was wron

Twitterminal - A Terminal-based Twitter client in Python


So, I've just started looking at Python, and I love it. Last night I was playing around with django,

PHP, mail() and OSX Leopard


So I couldn't figure out any way of doing this, and I can't stand stuff like this beating me so I've