Speedrunners is 50% off on Switch right now. We used to have a Mario Kart Lunch, which was me, Max, Hugo, Charlie, James, and it was so good. We got really good at it, and super competitive, which I'm not normally into, but I love playing Mario Kart as if it's important.

To take a break from Mario Kart, we occasionally played things like Gang Beasts and Speedrunners, and I loved playing them. Max is some sort of savant at Speedrunners. I've never known anyone with such incredible reflexes. I miss playing games with those guys.

The cows in the meadow


I deviated from my route slightly to incorporate a hill I've never done before

More ducks!


Returned with a proper camera after watering the allotment. I love ducks.

Windmills by the Ocean


Walked the dog again this morning, but brought my camera because last time there was tonnes of wildlife around

I crashed my drone in an exceptionally stupid way today. I don't want to give details, save for the fact that I had delusions of grandeur whilst trying to save a frisbee from our roof. To add insult to injury, said frisbee was later saved by some sticks gaffer taped together.

But! DJI has a new one coming out soon. It wasn't intentional, Charlotte, I promise.



The ducks have been busy making some food for the seagulls



Beto wanted some photos of a hand opening for use in a design. They're super simple but I really like how they look.

Early morning dog-walking


Took Sudo on our slightly-longer-but-still-short route this morning. Feel bad for him not getting the walks he normally does but he just sleeps most of the day so I don't think he's miserable.

I hate XML


The above screenshot is the difference between an XML product feed that Facebook can't be parsed (top) and one that can (bottom). A default namespace declaration. Why does this matter?

There's a documentary about the McDonalds Monopoly scandal, which was one of my favourite stories (behind a paywall now sorry, but you can find out everything about it by Googling!) in the last few years.

Stories from the last couple of years that I hope also get made into a film/documentary:

The Lunar Hybrid Collection


All throughout my Animal Crossing: New Horizons playthrough, I've been a victim of my own laissez-faire attitude to planning. I have moved six houses, demolished a bridge, moved the museum and the shop. All because, at the time, the decision of where to put them was in my way.

Street of Rage 4 came out! I didn't even realise it was due. So far it is a brilliant reincarnation of the series and I'm looking forward to playing more of it.

Lockdown cuisine


I've been enjoying taking photos of some of our more photogenic meals during lockdown. Or, at least, what passes for lockdown in this country.

I tried to make a logomark


The table flip guy was getting on my nerves so I wanted to try and make a logomark

Socialising in 2020


Dinner and pre-drinks, followed by a pub quiz.

Tabitha visited my Animal Crossing island today, and she took the bottle recipe from my beach. Didn't ask; just took it. Who is raising this kid?! Unbelievable.

A new backdrop


I always have a problem taking photos of food in our house. We don't have any clean backdrops. Or at least I thought we didn't, but I was wrong.

Richmond's vegetarian sausages are the best vegetarian sausages I've had in my life. There are some leftovers in the fridge and I'm just lying in bed thinking about how good my breakfast is going to be.

I love GraphQL


I've been using GraphQL with Craft since I redeveloped this site, which is quite a while now. But running someone else's GraphQL API is like training wheels.

More scones!


Charlotte requested scones again, but cheese scones this time. I went off piste and used pizza seasoning with tomato puree on top and they were so good
